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madu tualang tasik kenyir
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Pure Tualang Honey from Tasik Kenyir

Pure Tualang Honey from Tasik Kenyir

Harvested from Tasik Kenyir rainforest, BeeBudz® Pure Tualang Honey contains a superior concentration of natural enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants compared to other types of honey, making it a perfect choice for a healthier daily supplement and alternative treatment.

Comes in a secure & easy-to-serve bottle packaging. Volume: 320 gm.

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Pure Tualang Honey Sticks from Tasik Kenyir

Pure Tualang Honey Sticks from Tasik Kenyir

Harvested from Tasik Kenyir rainforest, BeeBudz® Pure Tualang Honey contains a superior concentration of natural enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants, making it a perfect choice for a healthier daily supplement.

Comes in 50 sticks, 7gm each making it easier to measure your honey intake.

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