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Top 3 Sweetest & Healthiest Sweeteners You Can Eat

Posted On May 21, 2020

Read this when you have a sugar craving!

Even though the truth is ugly, we cannot deny that sweeteners aren’t great for health. They are known to stimulate your appetite, invites potential of sugar addictions, and are packed with unnecessary calories. An uncontrolled dosage of sugar risks you for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and fatty liver.

But, we’re humans, and totally cutting all sweeteners in an instant isn’t realistic.

That’s why we are coming up with a rank (in no particular order) for the best healthiest sweeteners to help you decide which one is best for you!

1. Fresh or frozen fruits

Fruits, be it fresh or frozen don’t have empty calories like white sugar. This makes it an ideal sweetener. The natural sweetener is the perfect complement to any type of food and can even be enjoyed on its own. Banana, applesauce, berries, and melon are some of the many options you can have.

One tip you can do to spice things up is to mix in natural flavorings like vanilla or almond extract, cocoa powder, and spices like cinnamon and clove to give more definition to your meal.

2. Sugar substitutes

You must have heard of Stevia — a dietitian favorite. Stevia-based sweeteners are actually herbal, not artificial and they are zero calories. Stevia blended with a sugar alcohol called erythritol (Truvia) works well when you want to sweeten low-carb baked desserts.

Especially those who are pre-diabetics or diabetics, artificial sweeteners and stevia are much preferable to real sugar as they do not spike the blood sugar level like white sugars.

3. Natural sugar: raw honey, maple syrup & agave nectar

Natural sugars are another excellent option to kick off that processed sugar intake. Natural sugars, especially pure honey provide few more nutrients vs sugar. Raw honey and pure maple syrup both contain antioxidants and have prebiotic enzymes that help feed gut flora. Organic honey has an added benefit of vitamins E and C as well as minerals.

However, it is important to read food labels before buying your natural sugars. Some “natural sugars” out there contain hidden ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, which is linked to long-term metabolic complications.

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