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Make Online At-Home Learning Better (Note For Parents!)

Posted On October 8, 2020

Stressful, inconvenient, ineffective…!

With COVID-19 bringing an outbreak to the world, some children across the country have been given the alternative to bring learning outside of the classroom – that is inside the house.

Online lessons have emerged as the go-to solution for schools looking to resume classes despite lockdown. But many are worried because while parents are adjusting to this new scenario, kids are having a tough time staying focused on learning and taking the opportunity to overuse games, social media, and videos.

With that in mind, these are 6 tips for parents to make online at-home learning better.

1. Make a timetable, like old times

Parents, you may want to consider limiting your children’s devices until their schoolwork is done satisfactorily. But remember, this should not serve as a punishment. Apps, games, and messaging features are fun, but they can also prove distracting. It may not be an option for everybody, but ideally, try to give your kids a dedicated device such as a school laptop for maximum online learning.

2. Don’t combine “classroom” with other space

It is best to make a separate space for their virtual classroom. Your children will achieve their best work in a quiet, comfortable, and dedicated space devoted to learning. You should not make them do at-home learning on the dinner table where you will be cooking next to them, or in the living room where distractions like TV would bother their focus.

3. Take some time to monitor the monitor

If you have extra time on your hand, why not be a support to your kids? The simplest way to do this is by observation. Once in a while, check if they’re following along with the lesson. Are they taking notes, or zoning out? Even though this may require taking an hour off from your at-home office time, this helps them to focus more and have a goal at the end of the lesson. You can try to ask questions if they don’t mind sharing.

4. Digital recess

When they are constantly looking at screens, make sure your children take plenty of breaks from it. The best solution is to set alarms like in schools. Set around 30 mins – 1-hour screen break and allow them to do anything they want. This will help them “reward” themselves and prepare for the coming lessons. You can also encourage them to get up, get some fresh air, go for a walk, or ride a bike.

5. Let them hang out with friends, digitally

Being at home all the time may be lonely. Even though there are family members around, children may crave for some peer connections like they had back in schools. Hence, as parents, you shouldn’t be too strict on them. Within a day, locate some time for them to talk to their friends, be it facetime, phone call, WhatsApp, Zoom, or whatever they like. This will help de-stress and keep them in a good mood.

6. Remind them this is not a holiday

Even though staying home from school might feel like a holiday, remind your kids that they’re not on vacation. Assignments, grades, requirements, and tests aren’t going away just because classes have moved online.

Last note for parents…

This new normal may be a difficult phase to adapt. With all the ever-changing surroundings and health concerns, there are so many things you wish you can handle with your two hands. However, it is also important to take care of your health.

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